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Tech Up Your Knowledge for Better Security oleh Himatif FMIPA Unpad



Himatif FMIPA Unpad proudly announce Seminar Nasional Informatika 2018!

“Tech Up Your Knowledge for Better Security”

Invited Speakers :
• Rudiantara, S.Stat., MBA : Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Indonesia)*
• Dadhi Wijayanto, S.Si, CEH, ENSA. : Leader of IT Security Operation Garuda Indonesia
• Yohanes Syailendra, M.Kom, CEH, ECSA : Assistant Manager of Cyber Security at PwC Indonesia
• Muhammad Fahri Shihab, BSc, OSCP : Security Engineer at Gojek

Time and Place :
Saturday, 29th September 2018
Grha Sanusi Unpad Kampus Dipati Ukur, Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung

Registration :
– Fill the registration form on :
– Pay the registration fee to : Mandiri 130-00-1461982-2 (Sarah Hasna)
– Send the payment check to :
Subject :
(Ex : SemnasIFest_Pemakalah_Mahasiswa_Abay)
– Or you can visit

Important dates :
• Registration deadline for Presenter (Pemakalah) : 5th September 2018
• Please submit your abstract before : 5th September 2018
• Announcement for chosen abstract : 13th September 2018
• Final poster submission : 21st September 2018
• Deadline for full paper submission : 28th September 2018
• Registration deadline for non-presenter : 25th September 2018

Registration fee:
Non-presenter :
Student/Diploma/Undergraduate Student: Rp.100.000,-
Public : Rp.125.000,-
Include : Snack, Lunch, Certificate, Seminar Kit
Presenter :
Undergraduate Student/Diploma : Rp.150.000,-
Public : Rp.175.000,-
Include : Snack, Lunch, Certificate, Seminar Kit, ISSN-Proceeding (Softcopy and Hardcopy)

Paper topics :
• Ethical Hacking
• Cyber Crime and Cyber Law
• Applied Cryptography
• Penetration Testing
• Data Mining
• Big Data
• Malware Attack
• E-government
• Cryptocurrency
• Blockchain

– Template Paper :
– Send your paper in PDF file with subject : SemnasIFest_Category_Tittle (Ex : SemnasIFest_Mahasiswa_Blockchain Abstract)
to :
– Confirm your abstract submission via contact person.

Contact Person :
• Fahmi Irfan( LINE: irfanan, SMS/WA: 087726244898 )
• Faradilla Azranur(LINE: fardil7, SMS/WA: 081340312615)

*On confirmation

OA Line : @ifestunpad
Website :
Instagram : @ifest2018
Email :
Youtube : IFest Himatif

“Do you part, be security smart!”
See you at Semnas 2018!


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